Water damage: How to disassemble a GoPro Hero 4

Do it yourself!

If you managed to drop your GoPro Hero4 into water or the ocean (which I did), rescue measures have to be launched quickly. This is how you disassemble a GoPro Hero 4:

  1. Remove the battery immediately.
  2. Dry off the camera as good as possible. Rice is a good idea, but takes a while. Better move on with step 3.
  3. Open the camera housing by following the instructions in the video below.
  4. Carefully separate all parts from each other and clean them with isopropyl alcohol and cotton wool or similar – DO NOT TOUCH the surface of the CMOS sensor since it can be damaged easily. If the sensor needs to be cleaned, only use a very soft and clean brush.
  5. Let it dry well.
  6. Reassemble the camera and hope for the best.

What you need:

    • a small bottle of Isopropyl alcohol (should be around 91 percent)
    • a set of precision screwdrivers
    • cotton wool balls
    • a little bit of patience and craftmanship


Moin, ich bin Julian. Mir wurde einmal gesagt, dass Symmetrie die Kunst des kleinen Mannes sei. Deshalb schreibe ich hier in schöner Unregelmäßigkeit über das Reisen, über Fotografie, über Technik und über andere Dinge, die andere vielleicht auch anders sehen.
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  • Wie man eine GoPro Hero 4 in Vietnam repariert | Mad For Moments
    14 September 2016 at 18:39

    […] How to disassemble a GoPro Hero 4 […]

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